Perhaps a “What do you plan to do differently”, i.e.: I plan to use an alcohol wash test before treating colonies in the future. Also a suggestion – Google forms surveys tend to be buggy. Survey Monkey has a free option and is much more user friendly in my opinion 🙂
RESPONSE: I like your suggestion. We do have the comment section at the end to cover this open-ended question “what do you plan…” issue. Not sure how asking that question on this survey would provide us the answers we are seeking. We assessed Survey Monkey the first year of this survey. That program will only allow a free member (keeping costs as low as possible) to ask a limited amount of questions and, as you have experienced, this survey would easily surpass it. Alternate survey tools, or pro-bono programmers, are continuously sought for survey customization….might this be you? Keep the suggestions coming & thanks for your comments!