The Pacific North West is a unique area on the forefront of sustainable apiculture and as such it is important for the local beekeepers to know what is happening specifically in the various microclimates across Oregon and Washington.

Each years survey will be available the entire month of April, please join us!

WhatAboutNeed a reminder when survey is open?
Email us at [email protected] with “REMINDER” in the subject line. That’s it! You’re in!

AD16-SeriThe Pacific Northwest Honey Bee Survey is an innovative regional effort to better understand factors contributing to the large losses of honey bee colonies particularly among small-scale beekeepers. Under the leadership of Dr. Dewey Caron, emeritus professor of apiculture and entomology at the University of Delaware, the program works with local beekeeping organizations to gather data from individual beekeepers in Oregon and Washington. The survey team collects and analyzes data from individual beekeepers on more than twenty variables to identify relationships and trends among various micro climates, forages, and methods of bee husbandry in the region. The more beekeepers who participate, the more thorough and useful will be the results. If you keep bees in Oregon and Washington, please participate—and encourage others to do as well.

Brought to YOU by Dr. Dewey Caron and his geeky sidekicks who LOVE bees!

Click here to learn what questions will be asked & how to prepare